
Salut à tous!
Je m'appelle Lisa. J'étudie le français. Je vais écrire sur mon expérience d'apprendre le français sur ce blog. Aussi je vais donner des liens pour quelques bonnes ressources que j'ai trouvé pour nous aider apprendre la langue française.

Hi! My name is Lisa. I have been studying French since January 2012. My goal is to be able to speak with native French speakers and to understand movies, news reports and songs in French, as well as read in French (blogs, books, news, etc).

On this blog I am going to write about my experience of learning French. I am also going to share some links to things that I have found useful in my process of learning French.

This is basically a personal diary and a place where I can keep a record of what I am doing and what helps me learn. Perhaps it will be of use to others as well.

If you are a French speaker, please feel free to correct any French that is incorrect. If you are an English speaker, you can let me know about my typos, too! Thanks!

Merci !

C'est parti !

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